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Personal Bests All Runs Casual D2 Grail
Class Current Level Time Spent
Amazon 6 0:30
Assassin 89 77:00
Barbarian 23 4:30
Druid 20 2:30
Necromancer 45 14:00
Paladin 49 15:00
Sorceress 7 0:15

Diablo 2 Holy Grail
  1. Find and collect every item in the game. This includes every set item, unique, rune, runeword, torch, etc.

  2. All characters are played on hardcore.

  3. Every character is entirely self found meaning that I'm effectively running 7 grails. I do not share items between characters.

  4. When a character dies, I lose all progress for that class. I'll likely start to keep a history of progress made on given characters over time once I take my first death.

  5. In all honesty, I don't have any intention of actually finishing this in any reasonable period of time. I'll likely jump between characters, take deaths, take long breaks, etc.